

Before installation, please make sure you have a recent pip installed (>=19.1)

Then you can easily install bluesearch from PyPI:

pip install bluesearch[data_and_models]

You can also build from source if you prefer:

pip install .[data_and_models]  # use -e for editable install

NB: The optional dependencies installed with the [data_and_models] option are only necessary if you want to execute training or inference using the dvc and the model and scripts contained under data_and_models/. If this is not the case, you can skip the [data_and_models] at the end of pip install.

Generating docs

All the versions of our documentation, both stable and latest, can be found on Read the Docs.

To generate the documentation manually, we use sphinx with a custom BBP theme. Make sure to install the bluesearch package with dev extras to get the necessary dependencies.

pip install -e .[dev]

To generate autodoc directives one can run

cd docs
sphinx-apidoc -o source/api/ -f -e ../src/bluesearch/ ../src/bluesearch/entrypoint/*

Note that it only needs to be rerun when there are new subpackages/modules.

To generate the documentation run

cd docs
make clean && make html

Finally, one can also run doctests

cd docs
make doctest