
This section describes how to launch and use various servers.

Embedding Server

The REST API Server runs in a docker container, so in order to use it a docker image needs to be build, and a container needs to be spawned.


To build the docker image open a terminal in the root directory of the project and run the following command

docker build -f docker/embedding.Dockerfile -t bbs_embedding .

This will create a docker image with the tag bbs_embedding:latest.


Prior to starting the server one should check its configuration. We configure our servers in a .env file. This file is not distributed with the package and needs to be created from scratch in your working directory. We provide a template configuration in .env.example that can be used as a starting point. All variables relevant to the embedding server start with BBS_EMBEDDING_.


Next we need to start the embedding server by spawning a docker container from the image that we built above:

docker run \
  --detach \
  --rm \
  --publish <public_port>:8080 \
  --volume <real_path>:<container_path> \
  --env-file .env \
  --name bbs_embedding \

Note the --volume parameter. It should be used to mount the paths to all model checkpoints and logging directories that were specified in the configuration. This parameter can be repeated multiple times to mount multiple paths. The flag --rm will ensure that the container is removed after it is stopped. The flag --publish specifies a port under which the server will run.

The server will take some time to initialize and to download pre-trained models, so give it some time before trying to send requests.

Some embedding models are known to have had memory leaks. If memory consumption starts becoming an issue one can try adding the following two parameters to the docker run command:

  • --memory 100g: limit the memory of the container to 100GB, once this threshold is reached the container will be stopped.

  • --restart unless-stopped: make sure that the container is restarted automatically (unless stopped manually by using docker stop bbs_embedding)


Let’s assume that bbs_url = http://<bbs_embedding_host>:<bbs_embedding_port>.

To see a short welcome page with a few usage hints open the bbs_url in your browser.

To get a summary of the API interface send a POST request to bbs_url/help. It will respond with a JSON file containing instructions on how to use the embedding API.