Source code for bluesearch.database.cord_19

"""Module for the Database Creation."""

# Blue Brain Search is a text mining toolbox focused on scientific use cases.
# Copyright (C) 2020  Blue Brain Project, EPFL.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import json
import logging
import pathlib
import time

import langdetect
import langdetect.lang_detect_exception
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy

from bluesearch.database.article import Article, CORD19ArticleParser
from bluesearch.utils import load_spacy_model

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def mark_bad_sentences(engine, sentences_table_name): """Flag bad sentences in SQL database. Parameters ---------- engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The connection to an SQL database. sentences_table_name : str The table with sentences. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the column "is_bad" is missing in the table provided. """'Verifying the column "is_bad" is present') with engine.begin() as connection: inspector = sqlalchemy.inspect(connection) columns = inspector.get_columns(sentences_table_name) columns_name = [col["name"] for col in columns] if "is_bad" not in columns_name: raise RuntimeError("Column is_bad not found in given table")"Getting all sentences") with engine.begin() as connection: query = f"SELECT sentence_id, text FROM {sentences_table_name}" # nosec df_sentences = pd.read_sql(query, connection)"Computing text lengths") text_length = df_sentences["text"].str.len()"Checking for LaTeX") has_latex = df_sentences["text"].str.contains(r"\\[a-z]+{")"Checking for minimal length") too_short = text_length < 20"Checking for maximal length") too_long = text_length > 2000 df_sentences["is_bad"] = has_latex | too_short | too_long n_bad = df_sentences["is_bad"].sum() n_total = len(df_sentences) bad_percent = n_bad / n_total * 100"{n_bad} of {n_total} found to be bad ({bad_percent:.2f}%)") bad_sentence_ids = df_sentences["sentence_id"][df_sentences["is_bad"]] if len(bad_sentence_ids) > 0:"Writing results to database") bad_sentence_ids = ", ".join(str(id_) for id_ in bad_sentence_ids) with engine.begin() as connection: query = f""" UPDATE {sentences_table_name} SET is_bad = 1 WHERE sentence_id in ({bad_sentence_ids}) """ connection.execute(query) else:"Nothing to write to database")
[docs]class CORD19DatabaseCreation: """Create SQL database from a specified dataset. Parameters ---------- data_path : str or pathlib.Path Directory to the dataset where metadata.csv and all jsons file are located. engine : SQLAlchemy.Engine Engine linked to the database. Attributes ---------- max_text_length : int Max length of values in MySQL column of type TEXT. We have to constraint our text values to be smaller than this value (especially articles.abstract and sentences.text). """ def __init__(self, data_path, engine): self.data_path = pathlib.Path(data_path) if not self.data_path.exists(): raise NotADirectoryError( f"The data directory {self.data_path} does not exit" ) self.metadata = pd.read_csv(self.data_path / "metadata.csv") self.is_constructed = False self.engine = engine self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.max_text_length = 60000
[docs] def construct(self): """Construct the database.""" if not self.is_constructed: self._schema_creation()"Schemas of the tables are created.") self._articles_table()"Articles table is created.") self._sentences_table()"Sentences table is created.") self.is_constructed = True else: raise ValueError("This database is already constructed!")
def _schema_creation(self): """Create the schemas of the different tables in the database.""" metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData() self.articles_table = sqlalchemy.Table( "articles", metadata, sqlalchemy.Column( "article_id", sqlalchemy.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True ), sqlalchemy.Column("cord_uid", sqlalchemy.String(8), nullable=False), sqlalchemy.Column("sha", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("source_x", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("title", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("doi", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("pmcid", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("pubmed_id", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("license", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("abstract", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("publish_time", sqlalchemy.Date()), sqlalchemy.Column("authors", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("journal", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("mag_id", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("who_covidence_id", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("arxiv_id", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("pdf_json_files", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("pmc_json_files", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("url", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("s2_id", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("is_english", sqlalchemy.Boolean()), ) self.sentences_table = sqlalchemy.Table( "sentences", metadata, sqlalchemy.Column( "sentence_id", sqlalchemy.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, ), sqlalchemy.Column("section_name", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column( "article_id", sqlalchemy.Integer(), sqlalchemy.ForeignKey("articles.article_id"), nullable=False, ), sqlalchemy.Column("text", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column( "paragraph_pos_in_article", sqlalchemy.Integer(), nullable=False ), sqlalchemy.Column( "sentence_pos_in_paragraph", sqlalchemy.Integer(), nullable=False ), sqlalchemy.UniqueConstraint( "article_id", "paragraph_pos_in_article", "sentence_pos_in_paragraph", name="sentence_unique_identifier", ), sqlalchemy.Column("is_bad", sqlalchemy.Boolean(), server_default="0"), ) with self.engine.begin() as connection: metadata.create_all(connection) def _articles_table(self): """Fill the Article Table thanks to 'metadata.csv'. The articles table has all the metadata.csv columns expect the 'sha'. Moreover, the columns are renamed (cfr. _rename_columns). """ rejected_articles = [] df = self.metadata.drop_duplicates("cord_uid", keep="first") df["publish_time"] = pd.to_datetime(df["publish_time"]) for index, article in df.iterrows(): try: if ( isinstance(article["abstract"], str) and len(article["abstract"]) > self.max_text_length ): article["abstract"] = article["abstract"][: self.max_text_length] self.logger.warning( f"The abstract of article {index} has a length >" f" {self.max_text_length} and was cut off for the " f"database." ) with self.engine.begin() as con: article.to_frame().transpose().to_sql( name="articles", con=con, index=False, if_exists="append" ) except Exception as e: rejected_articles += [index] self.logger.error( f"Number of articles rejected: {len(rejected_articles)}" ) self.logger.error(f"Last rejected: {rejected_articles[-1]}") self.logger.error(str(e)) if index % 1000 == 0:"Number of articles saved: {index}") def _process_article_sentences(self, article, nlp): paragraphs = [] article_id = int(article["article_id"]) paragraph_pos_in_article = 0 pmc_json = pdf_json = False # Read title and abstract if article["title"] is not None: text = article["title"] meta = { "section_name": "Title", "article_id": article_id, "paragraph_pos_in_article": paragraph_pos_in_article, } paragraphs += [(text, meta)] paragraph_pos_in_article += 1 if article["abstract"] is not None: text = article["abstract"] meta = { "section_name": "Abstract", "article_id": article_id, "paragraph_pos_in_article": paragraph_pos_in_article, } paragraphs += [(text, meta)] paragraph_pos_in_article += 1 # Find files linked to articles if article["pmc_json_files"] is not None: pmc_json = True jsons_path = article["pmc_json_files"].split("; ") elif article["pdf_json_files"] is not None: pdf_json = True jsons_path = article["pdf_json_files"].split("; ") else: jsons_path = [] # Load json for json_path in jsons_path: with open(self.data_path / json_path.strip()) as fp: json_file_data = json.load(fp) parser = CORD19ArticleParser(json_file_data) article = Article.parse(parser) for section_title, text in article.iter_paragraphs(): metadata = { "section_name": section_title, "article_id": article_id, "paragraph_pos_in_article": paragraph_pos_in_article, } paragraphs.append((text, metadata)) paragraph_pos_in_article += 1 sentences = self.segment(nlp, paragraphs) sentences_df = pd.DataFrame( sentences, columns=[ "sentence_id", "section_name", "article_id", "text", "paragraph_pos_in_article", "sentence_pos_in_paragraph", ], ) # Consider first n sentences in paper to quickly determine # if it is in English n_sents_language = 10 is_english = self.check_is_english( " ".join(sentences_df[:n_sents_language]["text"]) ) update_stmt = """ UPDATE articles SET is_english = :is_english WHERE article_id = :article_id """ with self.engine.begin() as con: sentences_df.to_sql( name="sentences", con=con, index=False, if_exists="append" ) con.execute( sqlalchemy.sql.text(update_stmt), is_english=is_english, article_id=article_id, ) return pmc_json, pdf_json def _sentences_table(self, model_name="en_core_sci_lg"): """Fill the sentences table thanks to all the json files. For each paragraph, all sentences are extracted and populate the sentences table. Parameters ---------- model_name : str, optional SpaCy model used to parse the text into sentences. Returns ------- pmc : int Number of articles with at least one pmc_json. pdf : int Number of articles that does not have pmc_json file but at least one pdf_json. rejected_articles : list of int Article_id of the articles that raises an error during the parsing. """ nlp = load_spacy_model(model_name, disable=["tagger", "ner"]) articles_table = pd.read_sql( """ SELECT article_id, title, abstract, pmc_json_files, pdf_json_files FROM articles WHERE (abstract IS NOT NULL) OR (title IS NOT NULL) """, con=self.engine, ) pdf = 0 pmc = 0 rejected_articles = [] num_articles = 0 start = time.perf_counter() for _, article in articles_table.iterrows(): try: pmc_json, pdf_json = self._process_article_sentences(article, nlp) if pmc_json: pmc += 1 if pdf_json: pdf += 1 except Exception as e: rejected_articles += [int(article["article_id"])] self.logger.error( f"{len(rejected_articles)} Rejected Articles: " f"{rejected_articles[-1]}" ) self.logger.error(str(e)) num_articles += 1 if num_articles % 1000 == 0: f"Number of articles: {num_articles} in " f"{time.perf_counter() - start:.1f} seconds" ) # Create article_id index mymodel_url_index = sqlalchemy.Index( "article_id_index", self.sentences_table.c.article_id ) mymodel_url_index.create(bind=self.engine) # Create is_bad and article_id index sqlalchemy.Index( "is_bad_article_id_index", self.sentences_table.c.article_id, self.sentences_table.c.is_bad, ).create(bind=self.engine) # Create FULLTEXT INDEX if self.engine.url.drivername.startswith("mysql"): with self.engine.begin() as connection: "Start creating FULLTEXT INDEX on sentences (column text)" ) connection.execute( "CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX fulltext_text ON sentences(text)" )"Ended creating FULLTEXT INDEX") return pmc, pdf, rejected_articles
[docs] def segment(self, nlp, paragraphs): """Segment a paragraph/article into sentences. Parameters ---------- nlp : spacy.language.Language Spacy pipeline applying sentence segmentation. paragraphs : List of tuples (text, metadata) List of Paragraph/Article in raw text to segment into sentences. [(text, metadata), ]. Returns ------- all_sentences : list of dict List of all the sentences extracted from the paragraph. """ if isinstance(paragraphs, str): paragraphs = [paragraphs] all_sentences = [] for paragraph, metadata in nlp.pipe(paragraphs, as_tuples=True): for pos, sent in enumerate(paragraph.sents): text = str(sent) if len(text) > self.max_text_length: text = text[: self.max_text_length] self.logger.warning( f'One sentence (article {metadata["article_id"]}, ' f'paragraph {metadata["paragraph_pos_in_article"]},' f"sentence pos {pos}) has a length > {self.max_text_length}" f"and was cut off for the database." ) all_sentences += [ {"text": text, "sentence_pos_in_paragraph": pos, **metadata} ] return all_sentences
[docs] def check_is_english(self, text): """Check if the given text is English. Note the algorithm seems to be non-deterministic, as mentioned in This is the reason of using `langdetect.DetectorFactory.seed = 0` Parameters ---------- text : str Text to analyze. Returns ------- lang : bool or None Whether the language of the provided `text` is in English or not. If the input `text` is an empty string, `None` is returned. """ langdetect.DetectorFactory.seed = 0 lang = None if isinstance(text, str): try: lang = str(langdetect.detect(text)) except langdetect.lang_detect_exception.LangDetectException as e: is_english = lang == "en" return is_english