Source code for bluesearch.database.mining_cache

"""Module for the Database Creation."""

# Blue Brain Search is a text mining toolbox focused on scientific use cases.
# Copyright (C) 2020  Blue Brain Project, EPFL.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import io
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import queue
import traceback
from typing import Dict, List

import sqlalchemy

from ..mining.pipeline import run_pipeline
from ..sql import retrieve_articles
from ..utils import load_spacy_model

[docs]class Miner: """Multiprocessing worker class for mining named entities. Parameters ---------- database_url : str URL of a database already containing tables `articles` and `sentences`. The URL should indicate database dialect and connection argument, e.g. `database_url = "postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test"`. model_path : str The path for loading the spacy model that will perform the named entity extraction. target_table : str The target table name for the mining results. task_queue : multiprocessing.Queue The queue with tasks for this worker can_finish : multiprocessing.Event A flag to indicate that the worker can stop waiting for new tasks. Unless this flag is set, the worker will continue polling the task queue for new tasks. """ def __init__( self, database_url, model_path, target_table, task_queue, can_finish, ): = mp.current_process().name self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(database_url) self.model_path = model_path self.target_table_name = target_table self.task_queue = task_queue self.can_finish = can_finish self.n_tasks_done = 0 self.logger = logging.getLogger(str(self))"Disposing of existing connections in engine") # This is important for multiprocessing self.engine.dispose()"Loading the NLP model") self.model = load_spacy_model(self.model_path)
[docs] @classmethod def create_and_mine( cls, database_url, model_path, target_table, task_queue, can_finish, ): """Create a miner instance and start the mining loop. Parameters ---------- database_url : str URL of a database already containing tables `articles` and `sentences`. The URL should indicate database dialect and connection argument, e.g. `database_url = "postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test"`. model_path : str The path for loading the spacy model that will perform the named entity extraction. target_table : str The target table name for the mining results. task_queue : multiprocessing.Queue The queue with tasks for this worker can_finish : multiprocessing.Event A flag to indicate that the worker can stop waiting for new tasks. Unless this flag is set, the worker will continue polling the task queue for new tasks. """ miner = cls( database_url=database_url, model_path=model_path, target_table=target_table, task_queue=task_queue, can_finish=can_finish, ) miner.work_loop() miner.clean_up()
def _log_exception(self, article_id): """Log any unhandled exception raised during mining.""" error_trace = io.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=error_trace) error_message = f"\nArticle ID: {article_id}\n" + error_trace.getvalue() self.logger.error(error_message)
[docs] def work_loop(self): """Do the mining work loop.""""Starting mining") while not self.can_finish.is_set(): # Just get new tasks until the main thread sets `can_finish` try: article_id = self.task_queue.get(timeout=1.0) except queue.Empty: # This doesn't always mean that the queue is empty, # and is raised when queue.get() times out. self.logger.debug("queue.Empty raised") else: try: self._mine(article_id) self.n_tasks_done += 1 except Exception: self._log_exception(article_id)
def _generate_texts_with_metadata(self, article_ids): """Return a generator of (text, metadata_dict) for nlp.pipe. Parameters ---------- article_ids : int or list of int Article(s) to mine. Yields ------ text : str The text to mine metadata : dict The metadata for the text. """ if isinstance(article_ids, int): article_ids = [article_ids] df_articles = retrieve_articles(article_ids, self.engine) for _, row in df_articles.iterrows(): text = row["text"] article_id = row["article_id"] section_name = row["section_name"] paragraph_pos = row["paragraph_pos_in_article"] metadata = { "article_id": article_id, "paragraph_pos_in_article": paragraph_pos, "paper_id": f"{article_id}:{section_name}:{paragraph_pos}", } yield text, metadata def _mine(self, article_id): """Perform one mining task. Parameters ---------- article_id : int The article ID for mining. """"Processing article_id = {article_id}") self.logger.debug("Getting all texts for the article") texts = self._generate_texts_with_metadata(article_id) self.logger.debug("Running the pipeline") df_results = run_pipeline( texts=texts, model_entities=self.model, models_relations={}, debug=True ) df_results["mining_model_version"] = self.model.meta["version"] df_results["spacy_version"] = self.model.meta["spacy_version"] self.logger.debug("Writing results to the SQL database") with self.engine.begin() as con: df_results.to_sql( self.target_table_name, con=con, if_exists="append", index=False )"Mined {len(df_results)} entities.")
[docs] def clean_up(self): """Clean up after task processing has been finished.""""Finished mining, cleaning up")"I'm proud to have done {self.n_tasks_done} tasks!")
def __str__(self): """Represent self as string. Returns ------- str The string representation of self. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}[{}]"
[docs]class CreateMiningCache: """Create SQL database to save results of mining into a cache. Parameters ---------- database_engine : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine Connection to the CORD-19 database. ee_models_paths : dict[str, pathlib.Path] Dictionary mapping entity type to model path detecting it. target_table_name : str The target table name for the mining results. workers_per_model : int, optional Number of max processes to spawn to run text mining and table population in parallel. """ def __init__( self, database_engine, ee_models_paths, target_table_name, workers_per_model=1, ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) required_tables = ["articles", "sentences"] for table_name in required_tables: if not database_engine.has_table(table_name): raise ValueError( f"Database at {database_engine.url} does not " f"contain required table {table_name}." ) self.engine = database_engine self.target_table = target_table_name self.ee_models_paths = ee_models_paths self.workers_per_model = workers_per_model
[docs] def construct(self): """Construct and populate the cache of mined results.""""Creating target table schema") self._schema_creation()"Deleting rows that will be re-populated") self._delete_rows()"Starting mining") self.do_mining()"Mining complete")
def _delete_rows(self): """Delete rows in the target table that will be re-populated.""" for etype in self.ee_models_paths: # Reformatted due to this bandit bug in python3.8: # query = ( # nosec f"DELETE FROM {self.target_table} WHERE entity_type = :etype" ) self.engine.execute( sqlalchemy.sql.text(query), etype=etype, ) def _schema_creation(self): """Create the schemas of the different tables in the database.""" metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData() if self.engine.has_table(self.target_table): self.mining_cache_table = sqlalchemy.Table( self.target_table, metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=self.engine ) return articles_table = sqlalchemy.Table( "articles", metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=self.engine ) self.mining_cache_table = sqlalchemy.Table( self.target_table, metadata, sqlalchemy.Column("entity", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("entity_type", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("property", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("property_value", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("property_type", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("property_value_type", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("ontology_source", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("paper_id", sqlalchemy.Text()), sqlalchemy.Column("start_char", sqlalchemy.Integer()), sqlalchemy.Column("end_char", sqlalchemy.Integer()), sqlalchemy.Column( "article_id", sqlalchemy.Integer(), sqlalchemy.ForeignKey(articles_table.c.article_id), nullable=False, ), sqlalchemy.Column( "paragraph_pos_in_article", sqlalchemy.Integer(), nullable=False ), sqlalchemy.Column( "mining_model_version", sqlalchemy.Text(), nullable=False ), sqlalchemy.Column("spacy_version", sqlalchemy.Text(), nullable=False), ) with self.engine.begin() as connection: metadata.create_all(connection)
[docs] def create_tasks(self, task_queues, workers_by_queue): """Create tasks for the mining workers. Parameters ---------- task_queues : dict[str or pathlib.Path, multiprocessing.Queue] Task queues for different models. The keys are the model paths and the values are the actual queues. workers_by_queue : dict[str] All worker processes working on tasks from a given queue. """"Getting all article IDs") result_proxy = self.engine.execute( "SELECT article_id FROM articles ORDER BY article_id" ) all_article_ids = [row["article_id"] for row in result_proxy] current_task_ids = {queue_name: 0 for queue_name in task_queues} # We got some new tasks, put them in the task queues."Adding new tasks") # As long as there are any tasks keep trying to add them to the queues while any( task_idx < len(all_article_ids) for task_idx in current_task_ids.values() ): for queue_name, task_queue in task_queues.items(): # Check if still task available for the current queue current_task_idx = current_task_ids[queue_name] if current_task_idx == len(all_article_ids): self.logger.debug( f"All tasks for the {queue_name} queue have already been added." ) continue # Check if there are still workers working on this queue if not any( worker.is_alive() for worker in workers_by_queue[queue_name] ): self.logger.debug("No workers left working on this queue") current_task_ids[queue_name] = len(all_article_ids) continue # Try adding the task to the queue. article_id = all_article_ids[current_task_idx] self.logger.debug( f"Adding article ID {article_id} to the {queue_name} queue" ) try: task_queue.put(article_id, timeout=0.5) current_task_ids[queue_name] += 1 except queue.Full: self.logger.debug("Queue full, will try next time")
[docs] def do_mining(self): """Do the parallelized mining.""" f"Starting mining with {self.workers_per_model} workers per model." ) # Flags to let the workers know there won't be any new tasks. can_finish: Dict[str, mp.synchronize.Event] = { etype: mp.Event() for etype in self.ee_models_paths } # Prepare the task queues for the workers - one task queue per model. task_queues: Dict[str, mp.Queue] = { etype: mp.Queue() for etype in self.ee_models_paths } # Spawn the workers according to `workers_per_model`."Spawning the worker processes") worker_processes = [] workers_by_queue: Dict[str, List[mp.Process]] = { queue_name: [] for queue_name in task_queues } for etype, model_path in self.ee_models_paths.items(): for i in range(self.workers_per_model): worker_name = f"{etype}_{i}" worker_process = mp.Process( name=worker_name, target=Miner.create_and_mine, kwargs={ "database_url": self.engine.url, "model_path": model_path, "target_table": self.target_table, "task_queue": task_queues[etype], "can_finish": can_finish[etype], }, ) worker_process.start() worker_processes.append(worker_process) workers_by_queue[etype].append(worker_process) # Create tasks"Creating tasks") self.create_tasks(task_queues, workers_by_queue) # Monitor the queues and the workers to decide when we're finished. # For a given model the work is finished when the corresponding queue # is empty. But it can be that all workers stop/crash before all # tasks are done. Therefore we need to check if anyone is still # working on a given queue, and if not empty we will empty it. while not all(flag.is_set() for flag in can_finish.values()): for queue_name, task_queue in task_queues.items(): if can_finish[queue_name].is_set(): # This queue is already empty we've let the workers know continue if not any( worker.is_alive() for worker in workers_by_queue[queue_name] ): self.logger.debug(f"Emptying the {queue_name} queue") while not task_queue.empty(): article_id = task_queue.get(timeout=1) self.logger.debug(f"Got non-done task {article_id}") if task_queue.empty(): self.logger.debug( f"Setting the can finish flag for the {queue_name} queue." ) can_finish[queue_name].set()"Closing all task queues") for queue_name, task_queue in task_queues.items(): self.logger.debug(f"Closing the reading end of the queue {queue_name}") # Note that this is only safe when the queue is empty. This is # because there's a background thread putting buffered data # in the queue. If the queue is not empty it might be that the # background thread is still transferring the data from the # buffer. Closing the reading end of the internal pipe actually # also closes the writing end, and therefore the background # thread will throw a BrokenPipeError as it will fail to write # to the closed pipe. task_queue.close() self.logger.debug(f"Joining the buffering thread of queue {queue_name}") task_queue.join_thread() # Wait for the processes to finish."No more new tasks, just waiting for the workers to finish") # We'll transfer finished workers from `worker_processes` # to `finished_workers`. We're done when `worker_processes` is empty. finished_workers: List[mp.Process] = [] while len(worker_processes) > 0: self.logger.debug( f"Status: {len(worker_processes)} workers still alive, " f"{len(finished_workers)} finished." ) # Loop through all living workers and try to join for process in worker_processes: # Don't need to wait forever - others might finish before process.join(timeout=1.0) # If the current process did finish then put it in the # `finished_workers` queue and do some cleaning up. if not process.is_alive():"Worker {} finished.") finished_workers.append(process) if process.exitcode != 0: self.logger.error( f"Worker {} terminated with exit " f"code {process.exitcode}!" ) # Remove all workers that are already in the `finished_workers` # list from the `worker_processes` list. for process in finished_workers: if process in worker_processes: worker_processes.remove(process)"Finished mining.") # Create index on (article_id, paragraph_pos_in_article, start_char) # to speed up ORDER BY clause."Start creating index on (par, art, char)...") sqlalchemy.Index( "index_art_par_char", self.mining_cache_table.c.article_id, self.mining_cache_table.c.paragraph_pos_in_article, self.mining_cache_table.c.start_char, ).create(bind=self.engine)"Done creating index on (par, art, char).")