Source code for

"""Collection of functions focused on searching."""

# Blue Brain Search is a text mining toolbox focused on scientific use cases.
# Copyright (C) 2020  Blue Brain Project, EPFL.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import logging

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as nnf

from .sql import SentenceFilter, retrieve_article_ids
from .utils import Timer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SearchEngine: """Search locally using assets on disk. This class requires for several deep-learning modules to be loaded and for pre-trained models, pre-computed embeddings, and the SQL database to be loaded in memory. This is more or less a wrapper around `run_search` from ``. Parameters ---------- embedding_models : dict The pre-trained models. precomputed_embeddings : dict The pre-computed embeddings. indices : np.ndarray 1D array containing sentence_ids corresponding to the rows of each of the values of precomputed_embeddings. connection : sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The database connection. """ def __init__(self, embedding_models, precomputed_embeddings, indices, connection): self.embedding_models = embedding_models self.precomputed_embeddings = precomputed_embeddings self.indices = indices self.connection = connection"Retrieving articles ids for all sentence ids...") self.all_article_ids = retrieve_article_ids(self.connection)"Retrieve articles ids: DONE")
[docs] def query( self, which_model, k, query_text, granularity="sentences", has_journal=False, is_english=True, discard_bad_sentences=False, date_range=None, deprioritize_strength="None", exclusion_text="", inclusion_text="", deprioritize_text=None, verbose=True, ): """Do the search. Parameters ---------- which_model : str The name of the model to use. k : int Number of top results to display. query_text : str Query. granularity : str One of ('sentences', 'articles'). Search granularity. has_journal : bool If True, only consider papers that have a journal information. is_english : bool If True, only consider papers that are in English. discard_bad_sentences : bool If True, then all sentences with marked as bad quality will be discarded. date_range : tuple Tuple of form (start_year, end_year) representing the considered time range. deprioritize_text : str Text query of text to be deprioritized. deprioritize_strength : str, {'None', 'Weak', 'Mild', 'Strong', 'Stronger'} How strong the deprioritization is. exclusion_text : str New line separated collection of strings that are automatically used to exclude a given sentence. If a sentence contains any of these strings then we filter it out. inclusion_text : str New line separated collection of strings. Only sentences that contain all of these strings are going to make it through the filtering. verbose : bool If True, then printing statistics to standard output. Returns ------- sentence_ids : np.array 1D array representing the indices of the top `k` most relevant sentences. The size of this array is going to be either (k, ) or (len(restricted_sentences_ids), ). similarities : np.array 1D array reresenting the similarities for each of the top `k` sentences. Note that this will include the deprioritization part. stats : dict Various statistics. There are following keys: - 'query_embed_time' - how much time it took to embed the `query_text` in seconds - 'deprioritize_embed_time' - how much time it took to embed the `deprioritize_text` in seconds """ embedding_model = self.embedding_models[which_model] precomputed_embeddings = self.precomputed_embeddings[which_model]"Starting run_search") # Replace empty `deprioritize_text` by None if deprioritize_text is not None and len(deprioritize_text.strip()) == 0: deprioritize_text = None timer = Timer(verbose=verbose) with timer("query_embed"):"Embedding the query text") preprocessed_query_text = embedding_model.preprocess(query_text) embedding_query = embedding_model.embed(preprocessed_query_text) embedding_query = torch.from_numpy(embedding_query).to(dtype=torch.float32) if deprioritize_text is None: combined_embeddings = embedding_query else: with timer("deprioritize_embed"):"Embedding the deprioritization text") preprocessed_deprioritize_text = embedding_model.preprocess( deprioritize_text ) embedding_deprioritize = embedding_model.embed( preprocessed_deprioritize_text ) embedding_deprioritize = torch.from_numpy(embedding_deprioritize).to( dtype=torch.float32 ) deprioritizations = { "None": (1, 0), "Weak": (0.9, 0.1), "Mild": (0.8, 0.3), "Strong": (0.5, 0.5), "Stronger": (0.5, 0.7), }"Combining embeddings") alpha_1, alpha_2 = deprioritizations[deprioritize_strength] combined_embeddings = ( alpha_1 * embedding_query - alpha_2 * embedding_deprioritize ) norm = torch.norm(input=combined_embeddings).item() if norm == 0: norm = 1 combined_embeddings /= norm with timer("sentences_filtering"):"Applying sentence filtering") restricted_sentence_ids = torch.from_numpy( ( SentenceFilter(self.connection) .only_english(is_english) .only_with_journal(has_journal) .discard_bad_sentences(discard_bad_sentences) .date_range(date_range) .exclude_strings(exclusion_text.split("\n")) .include_strings(inclusion_text.split("\n")) .run() ) ) if len(restricted_sentence_ids) == 0:"No indices left after sentence filtering. Returning.") return np.array([]), np.array([]), timer.stats # Compute similarities with timer("query_similarity"):"Computing cosine similarities for the combined query") similarities = nnf.linear( input=combined_embeddings, weight=precomputed_embeddings )"Sorting the similarities and getting the top {k} results") top_sentence_ids, top_similarities = self.get_top_k_results( k, similarities, restricted_sentence_ids, granularity=granularity ) return top_sentence_ids.numpy(), top_similarities.numpy(), timer.stats
[docs] def get_top_k_results( self, k, similarities, restricted_sentence_ids, granularity="sentences" ): """Retrieve top k results (granularity sentences or articles). Parameters ---------- k : int Top k results to retrieve. similarities : torch.Tensor Similarities values restricted_sentence_ids : torch.Tensor Tensor containing the sentences_ids to keep for the top k retrieving. granularity : str One of ('sentences', 'articles'). Returns ------- top_sentence_ids : torch.Tensor 1D array representing the indices of the top `k` most relevant sentences. The size of this array is going to be either (k, ) or (len(restricted_sentences_ids), ). k being equal to k for granularity = 'sentences', and num of sentences for k unique articles for granularity = 'articles'. top_similarities : torch.Tensor 1D array representing the similarities for each of the top `k` sentences. """"Truncating similarities to the restricted indices") # restricted_sentence_id= [1, 4, 5] # restricted_indices = [0, 3, 4] # similarities = [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] # restricted_similarities = [20, 23, 24] restricted_indices = restricted_sentence_ids - 1 restricted_similarities = similarities[restricted_indices] if granularity == "sentences": f"Sorting the similarities and getting the top {k} sentences results" ) top_similarities, top_indices = torch.topk( restricted_similarities, min(k, len(restricted_similarities)), largest=True, sorted=True, ) top_sentence_ids = restricted_sentence_ids[top_indices] # top similarities = [24, 23, 20] # top indices = [2, 1, 0] # restricted_indices[top_indices] = [4, 3, 0] elif granularity == "articles": f"Sorting the similarities and getting the top {k} articles results" ) top_similarities, top_indices = torch.sort( restricted_similarities, descending=True ) top_sentence_ids = restricted_sentence_ids[top_indices] article_ids = set() num = 0 for sentence_id in top_sentence_ids: num += 1 article_ids.add(self.all_article_ids[int(sentence_id)]) if len(article_ids) == k: break top_sentence_ids, top_similarities = ( top_sentence_ids[:num], top_similarities[:num], ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{granularity} not implemented ") return top_sentence_ids, top_similarities