Source code for bluesearch.server.embedding_server

"""Implementation of a server that computes sentence embeddings."""

# Blue Brain Search is a text mining toolbox focused on scientific use cases.
# Copyright (C) 2020  Blue Brain Project, EPFL.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import csv
import io
import textwrap

from flask import Flask, jsonify, make_response, request

import bluesearch

from .invalid_usage_exception import InvalidUsage

[docs]class EmbeddingServer(Flask): """Wrapper class representing the embedding server. Parameters ---------- embedding_models : dict Dictionary whom keys are name of embedding_models and values are instance of the embedding models. """ def __init__(self, embedding_models): package_name, *_ = __name__.partition(".") super().__init__(import_name=package_name) self.server_name = "EmbeddingServer" self.version = bluesearch.__version__"Initializing the server...")"Name: {self.server_name}")"Version: {self.version}") self.add_url_rule(rule="/", view_func=self.request_welcome) self.add_url_rule(rule="/help",, methods=["POST"]) self.add_url_rule( rule="/v1/embed/<output_type>", view_func=self.request_embedding, methods=["POST"], ) self.register_error_handler(InvalidUsage, self.handle_invalid_usage) self.embedding_models = embedding_models html_header = """ <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <title>Blue Brain Search Embedding</title> </head> """ self.html_header = textwrap.dedent(html_header).strip() + "\n\n" self.output_fn = { "csv": self.make_csv_response, "json": self.make_json_response, }"Initialization done.")
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_invalid_usage(error): """Handle invalid usage.""" print("Handling invalid usage!") response = jsonify(error.to_dict()) response.status_code = error.status_code return response
[docs] def help(self): """Help the user by sending information about the server.""""Got query to help on /help") response = { "name": self.server_name, "version": self.version, "description": "The BBS sentence embedding server.", "GET": { "/": { "description": "Get the welcome page.", "response_content_type": "text/html", } }, "POST": { "/help": { "description": "Get this help.", "response_content_type": "application/json", }, "/v1/embed/json": { "description": "Compute text embeddings.", "response_content_type": "application/json", "required_fields": { "model": ["SBioBERT", "SBERT", "BioBERT NLI+STS"], "text": [], }, }, }, } return jsonify(response)
[docs] def request_welcome(self): """Generate a welcome page.""""Got query for welcome page on /") html = """ <h1>Welcome to the Blue Brain Search Embedding REST API Server</h1> To receive a sentence embedding proceed as follows: <ul> <li>Wrap your query into a JSON file</li> <li>The JSON file should be of the following form: <pre> { "model": "&lt;embedding model name&gt;", "text": "&lt;text&gt;" } </pre> </li> <li>Send the JSON file to "<tt>/v1/embed/json</tt>"</li> <li>Receive a response as a JSON file</li> </ul> """ return self.html_header + textwrap.dedent(html).strip() + "\n"
[docs] def embed_text(self, model, text): """Embed text. Parameters ---------- model : str String representing the model name. text : str Text to be embedded. Returns ------- np.ndarray 1D array representing the text embedding. Raises ------ InvalidUsage If the model name is invalid. """ try: model_instance = self.embedding_models[model] preprocessed_sentence = model_instance.preprocess(text) embedding = model_instance.embed(preprocessed_sentence) return embedding except KeyError: raise InvalidUsage(f"Model {model} is not available.") except RuntimeError: msg = f""" An unhandled error occurred. You may want to contact the developers and provide them the model name and the text of the query that caused this error. "model": "{model}" "text": "{text}" """ raise InvalidUsage(textwrap.dedent(msg).strip())
[docs] @staticmethod def make_csv_response(embedding): """Generate a csv response.""" csv_file = io.StringIO() csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) csv_writer.writerow(str(n) for n in embedding) response = make_response(csv_file.getvalue()) response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=export.csv" response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/csv" return response
[docs] @staticmethod def make_json_response(embedding): """Generate a json response.""" json_response = {"embedding": [float(n) for n in embedding]} response = jsonify(json_response) return response
[docs] def request_embedding(self, output_type): """Request embedding.""""Got query for embedding on /v1/embed/{output_type}") if output_type.lower() not in self.output_fn: raise InvalidUsage(f"Output type not recognized: {output_type}") else: output_fn = self.output_fn[output_type.lower()] if request.is_json: json_request = request.get_json() self._check_request_validity(json_request) model = json_request["model"] text = json_request["text"]"Embedding query parameters:")"model: {model}")"text: {text}")"Calling embed_text...") text_embedding = self.embed_text(model, text)"Embedding computed successfully.") return output_fn(text_embedding) else: raise InvalidUsage("Expected a JSON file")
@staticmethod def _check_request_validity(json_request): required_keys = {"model", "text"} for key in required_keys: if key not in json_request: raise InvalidUsage(f"Request must contain the key '{key}'")