Source code for bluesearch.widgets.mining_widget

"""Module for the mining widget."""

# Blue Brain Search is a text mining toolbox focused on scientific use cases.
# Copyright (C) 2020  Blue Brain Project, EPFL.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import io
import json
import pathlib

import ipywidgets as widgets
import pandas as pd
import requests
from IPython.display import HTML, display

from .._css import style
from ..utils import Timer

DEFAULT_MINING_TEXT = """Autophagy maintains tumour growth through circulating
 arginine. Autophagy captures intracellular components and delivers them to
 lysosomes, where they are degraded and recycled to sustain metabolism and to
 enable survival during starvation. Acute, whole-body deletion of the essential
 autophagy gene Atg7 in adult mice causes a systemic metabolic defect that
 manifests as starvation intolerance and gradual loss of white adipose tissue,
 liver glycogen and muscle mass. Cancer cells also benefit from autophagy.
 Deletion of essential autophagy genes impairs the metabolism, proliferation,
 survival and malignancy of spontaneous tumours in models of autochthonous
 cancer. Acute, systemic deletion of Atg7 or acute, systemic expression of a
 dominant-negative ATG4b in mice induces greater regression of KRAS-driven
 cancers than does tumour-specific autophagy deletion, which suggests that host
 autophagy promotes tumour growth.""".replace(
    "\n", ""

[docs]class MiningWidget(widgets.VBox): """The mining widget. Parameters ---------- mining_server_url : str The URL of the mining server. mining_schema : bluesearch.widgets.MiningSchema The requested mining schema (entity, relation, attribute types). article_saver : bluesearch.widgets.ArticleSaver An instance of the article saver. default_text : string, optional The default text assign to the text area. use_cache : bool If True the mining server will use cached mining results stored in an SQL database. Should lead to major speedups. checkpoint_path : str or pathlib.Path, optional Path where checkpoints are saved to and loaded from. If `None`, defaults to `~/.cache/bluesearch/widgets_checkpoints` folder. """ def __init__( self, mining_server_url, mining_schema, article_saver=None, default_text=DEFAULT_MINING_TEXT, use_cache=True, checkpoint_path=None, ): super().__init__() self.mining_server_url = mining_server_url self.article_saver = article_saver self.mining_schema = mining_schema self.use_cache = use_cache # This is the output: csv table of extracted entities/relations. self.table_extractions = None # Define Widgets self.widgets = {} self._init_widgets(default_text) self._init_ui() response = self.mining_server_url + "/help", ) if not response.ok: raise Exception( f"It seems there is an issue with the bbs mining server. Response " f"status is {response.status_code} : {response.text}" ) response_json = response.json() self.database_name = response_json["database"] # e.g "cord19_v47" self.mining_server_version = response_json["version"] # e.g. "0.0.9.dev2+g69" if checkpoint_path is not None: self.checkpoint_path = pathlib.Path(checkpoint_path) else: self.checkpoint_path = ( pathlib.Path.home() / ".cache" / "bluesearch" / "widgets_checkpoints" ) self.checkpoint_path = self.checkpoint_path / "bbs_mining.json" self.checkpoint_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def _init_widgets(self, default_text): # "Input Text" Widget self.widgets["input_text"] = widgets.Textarea( value=default_text, layout=widgets.Layout(width="75%", height="300px") ) # "Mine This Text" button self.widgets["mine_text"] = widgets.Button( description="⚒️ Mine This Text!", layout=widgets.Layout(width="350px", height="50px"), ) self.widgets["mine_text"].on_click(self._mine_text_clicked) self.widgets["mine_text"].add_class("bbs_button") # "Mine Selected Articles" button self.widgets["mine_articles"] = widgets.Button( description="⚒️ Mine Selected Articles!", layout=widgets.Layout(width="350px", height="50px"), ) self.widgets["mine_articles"].on_click(self._mine_articles_clicked) self.widgets["mine_articles"].add_class("bbs_button") # Click to Save results self.widgets["save_button"] = widgets.Button( description="Save", icon="download", layout=widgets.Layout(width="172px", height="40px"), ) self.widgets["save_button"].on_click(self._cb_bt_save) self.widgets["save_button"].add_class("bbs_button") # Click to Load results self.widgets["load_button"] = widgets.Button( description="Load", icon="upload", layout=widgets.Layout(width="172px", height="40px"), ) self.widgets["load_button"].on_click(self._cb_bt_load) self.widgets["load_button"].add_class("bbs_button") # "Output Area" Widget self.widgets["out"] = widgets.Output(layout={"border": "0.5px solid black"}) tabs = ( ( "Mine Articles", [ self.widgets["mine_articles"], ], ), ( "Mine Text", [self.widgets["input_text"], self.widgets["mine_text"]], ), ) tab_widget = widgets.Tab(children=[]) for i, (tab_name, tab_children) in enumerate(tabs): tab_widget.children = tab_widget.children + (widgets.VBox(tab_children),) tab_widget.set_title(i, tab_name) self.widgets["mining"] = tab_widget def _init_ui(self): css_style = style.get_css_style() display(HTML(f"<style> {css_style} </style>")) self.children = [ self.widgets["mining"], widgets.HBox( children=(self.widgets["save_button"], self.widgets["load_button"]) ), self.widgets["out"], ]
[docs] def textmining_pipeline(self, information, schema_df, debug=False): """Handle text mining server requests depending on the type of information. Parameters ---------- information : str or list. Information can be either a raw string text, either a list of tuples (article_id, paragraph_id) related to the database. schema_df : pd.DataFrame A dataframe with the requested mining schema (entity, relation, attribute types). debug : bool If True, columns are not necessarily matching the specification. However, they contain debugging information. If False, then matching exactly the specification. Returns ------- table_extractions : pd.DataFrame The final table. If `debug=True` then it contains all the metadata. If False then it only contains columns in the official specification. """ schema_str = schema_df.to_csv(index=False) if isinstance(information, list): print(f"The widget is using database: {self.database_name}") response = self.mining_server_url + "/database", json={ "identifiers": information, "schema": schema_str, "use_cache": self.use_cache, }, ) elif isinstance(information, str): response = self.mining_server_url + "/text", json={"text": information, "schema": schema_str, "debug": debug}, ) else: raise TypeError("Wrong type for the information!") table_extractions = None if response.status_code == 200: response_dict = response.json() for warning_msg in response_dict["warnings"]: display( HTML( f'<div class="bbs_warning"> ' f"<b>WARNING!</b> {warning_msg} </div>" ) ) with io.StringIO(response_dict["csv_extractions"]) as f: table_extractions = pd.read_csv(f) else: print("Server response is ERROR!") print(response.headers) print(response.text) return table_extractions
def _mine_articles_clicked(self, b): self.widgets["out"].clear_output() if self.article_saver is None: with self.widgets["out"]: print("No article saver was provided. Nothing to mine.") return with self.widgets["out"]: timer = Timer() print("Collecting saved items...".ljust(50), end="", flush=True) with timer("collect items"): identifiers = self.article_saver.get_saved_items() print(f'{timer["collect items"]:7.2f} seconds') print("Mining request schema:") display(self.mining_schema.df) print("Running the mining pipeline...".ljust(50), end="", flush=True) with timer("pipeline"): self.table_extractions = self.textmining_pipeline( information=identifiers, schema_df=self.mining_schema.df ) print(f'{timer["pipeline"]:7.2f} seconds') display(self.table_extractions) def _mine_text_clicked(self, b): self.widgets["out"].clear_output() with self.widgets["out"]: print("Mining request schema:") display(self.mining_schema.df) print("Running the mining pipeline...".ljust(50), end="", flush=True) text = self.widgets["input_text"].value self.table_extractions = self.textmining_pipeline( information=text, schema_df=self.mining_schema.df ) display(self.table_extractions) def _cb_bt_save(self, change_dict): with self.widgets["out"]: if self.table_extractions is None: message = """No mining results available. Did you forget to run the mining pipeline on your selected articles or text?""" display(HTML(f'<div class="bbs_error"> <b>ERROR!</b> {message} </div>')) return display(HTML("Saving mining results to disk... ")) data = { "mining_widget_extractions": self.table_extractions.to_dict(), "database_name": self.database_name, "mining_server_version": self.mining_server_version, } with"w") as f: json.dump(data, f) display(HTML('<b class="bbs_success"> DONE!</b></br>')) def _cb_bt_load(self, change_dict): with self.widgets["out"]: self.widgets["out"].clear_output() if not self.checkpoint_path.exists(): message = """No checkpoint file found to load. Did you forget to save your mining results?""" display( HTML(f'<div class="bbs_error"> ' f"<b>ERROR!</b> {message} </div>") ) return display(HTML("Loading mining results from disk... ")) with"r") as f: data = json.load(f) self.table_extractions = pd.DataFrame(data["mining_widget_extractions"]) display(HTML('<b class="bbs_success"> DONE!</b></br>')) vers_load = data["mining_server_version"] vers_curr = self.mining_server_version db_load = data["database_name"] db_curr = self.database_name if db_load != db_curr or vers_load != vers_curr: message = f"""Loaded data from <ul> <li> mining server version = {vers_load} </li> <li> database version = {db_load} </li> </ul> but current widget is connected to <ul> <li> mining server version = {vers_curr} </li> <li> database version = {db_curr} </li> </ul> """ display( HTML( f'<div class="bbs_warning"> ' f"<b>WARNING!</b> {message} </div>" ) ) display(self.table_extractions) def _cb_chkb_show_mine_text_fct(self, change_dict): if change_dict["new"]: self.widgets["mine_text_fct"].layout.display = "block" else: self.widgets["mine_text_fct"].layout.display = "none"
[docs] def get_extracted_table(self): """Retrieve the table with the mining results. Returns ------- results_table : pandas.DataFrame The table with the mining results. """ if self.table_extractions is not None: results_table = self.table_extractions.copy() else: results_table = pd.DataFrame() return results_table